Aug. 22 - Sep. 1, 2025


Aug. 22 - Sep. 1, 2025

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State Fair Cares2


The history of the State Fair Cares moniker began being used whenever the Nebraska State Fair provides for the safety, enrichment, or overall well-being of our guests and all Nebraskans.  Beginning in 2013, the State Fair Cares theme was used to ask fairgoers to wash their hands after visiting livestock on our grounds.  Furthermore, we also incorporated it into the theme when collecting cans of food for the IAFE campaign on Labor Day.

As we continued to broaden the scope of the State Fair Cares campaign, we began a mission to assist nonprofits serving Nebraskans through a variety of programs. 

Nebraska State Fair Mission

To recognize the achievements of Nebraskans, celebrate youth and Fair traditions, and showcase agriculture while providing educational and entertaining experiences for all.

Program Goal

To benefit nonprofit organizations throughout the state by allowing them premier access to the Nebraska State Fair visitors for solicitation of funds, item collection, or program awareness.

Qualifications for Entry

Organizations applying for the Nebraska State Fair Cares program must be in keeping with the Nebraska State Fair mission statement in providing for the underserved in agriculture, education, and Nebraska families.  The selected entries will be chosen from:

a) Nonprofits whose service area has a population of 90,000 and above.

b) Nonprofits whose service area has a population of 90,000 and below.

One application will be chosen from each category as described above.  The first 25 applications from each category will be accepted and after review, the top five finalists from each category will be judged by a committee of community leaders and executive board members of the Nebraska State Fair Board of Directors. 

Rules and Regulations

The first-place entry will have access to the Nebraska State Fair on the second weekend, and the second place will have access to the first weekend.  The approximate attendance at the 2023 Nebraska State Fair was 311,909.  Booths measuring a minimum of 20’ x 20’ must be occupied from 10:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M.  Both selections will need to staff their locations during their selected days.  Organizations must adhere to and follow the Nebraska State Fair Rules and Regulations.  Once selected, an organization may not reapply for participation in the State Fair Cares program for a period of 3 years.

Scoring Rubric

State Fair Cares Scoring Criteria

State Fair cares prize packages

The Nebraska State Fair will award the first, second, and third-place nonprofits by making a donation of $2,500.00 for the first-place selection, $1,500.00 for the second-place selection, and $1,000.00 for the third-place selection.  In addition to the above-mentioned, the following will be included for the winning organizations:

First Place:

  • Up to 4 Gate Admission Tickets Per Day
  • 10 Parking Passes
  • 2 Hotel Rooms
  • Choice of access to 70,000+ fairgoers at the Nebraska State Fair on the first (Friday – Sunday) or second weekend (Friday – Monday)

Second Place:

  • Up to 4 Gate Admission Tickets Per Day
  • 10 Parking Passes
  • 2 Hotel Rooms
  • Choice of access to 70,000+ fairgoers at the Nebraska State Fair on the remaining weekend

Third Place:

  • Up to 4 Gate Admission Tickets Per Day
  • 10 Parking Passes
  • 2 Hotel Rooms
  • Access to fairgoers throughout the week (Monday – Thursday) of the Nebraska State Fair

Additionally, the Nebraska State Fair will provide promotions for both recipients via our social media channels that reach over 60,000+ individuals.  The Nebraska State Fair will ask that the selected organizations also provide promotions using the State Fair Cares branded logo whenever applicable.

Application Deadline: Friday, May 17th, 2024

Organization Information

Bring the Fair to You

Have a group of individuals that would love to experience the Fair, but are unable to? Let us bring the Nebraska State Fair to you. One morning during the Fair, we will bring entertainment, fair food and a couple State Fair staff to allow your group to enjoy the Fair without the need to travel. **This opportunity is only available to organizations within Grand Island.

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Ag & Competitions

Food & Vendors



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